
Suggested Videos from Youtube

How To Delete Suggested Videos From Youtube?

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When it comes to watching videos Youtube has become the number one online option, there is no even one viral video that hasn’t used Youtube as the platform for spreading it. Media giants like Fox and CNN use the website as a source, basically it is nowadays the place where everything is broadcasted.

When the user visits the website there is an option developed by the webmasters to improve the experience, it consist in suggesting videos based on your favorite videos and preferences. The video suggestion may have some cons, and if they are greater than the pros you would probably want to delete them, if that is the case you are in the right place.

We will explain you on a step by step tutorial the way to delete the suggested videos from youtube.

Delete Suggested Videos from Youtube – Step By Step Tutorial

1.You must be logged in to access to the suggested videos otherwise there will be no user for the platform to check the preferences.

2.Below any video there is the option for sharing, Click on SHARE

3.The option to Embed the video will appear. Click on EMBED

4.Uncheck the box with the option “Show Suggested Videos when the Video finishes”

5.You are done!.

Remember that the suggested videos are based on the ones you’ve already watched. If you wish to delete the videos that are already being suggested you have to visit in order to delete them.