How to Delete Quora Account?
I imagine that you are looking for information on how to delete your account permanently, if that’s the case, then you’ve come to the right place, because in this page you will teach you how to do just that, with a little bit of help on our end you will find out exactly what steps to take in order to get the job done. I know that some people find this process difficult and boring at times, but you should not worry, because this site in particular makes the account termination process a breeze, it won’t take much of your time, and it’s so easy that I’m sure that even a five year old could do it.
Quora is a very popular question and answer website where questions are made, answered, edited and organized by a very large community of users, any user can contribute by either creating questions, answering them, improving answers, or organizing them correctly, it’s like the Wikipedia of question and answer sites. Quora is a pretty useful site, I have always found their answers to be reliable and trustworthy, however, not everyone enjoys the same experiences, some people might not be satisfied with the results, and if you are one of them and you want to find out how to cancel or close your account forever, then just follow the steps and I’m absolutely sure that you’ll be pleased.
Delete Quora Account – Step By Step Tutorial
(Note: Before we move on, I first want to let you know that a lot of users have not been able to get their accounts deleted even after following the steps below, according to several users their emails have been totally ignored, so you should keep this in mind if you decide to continue with this explanation. Also, this is the only method available at the moment to get an account terminated completely. I hope your petition goes through)
1. Go to your email provider and login to your account.
2. Start by creating a new email.
3. Send an email to the following address [email protected].
4. Write an email to customer service explaining why you want to close your account, also tell them that you would like to get your account terminated forever, along with all its information.
5. Include a link to your profile.
6. Click “Send”.
7. Done!
Don’t forget that if your request goes through you will lose all the answers and comments that you’ve made so far, you name and email address will be deleted permanently, and your name will be removed from existing search results. Hope this helps!