
How to Cancel Home Chef

Home Chef is also known as

  • Home Chef
  • Relish Labs LLC

About Home Chef


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact customer service at 872-225-2433
  2. Let the rep know that you’re calling to cancel
  3. Provide the agent with your account info
  4. Make sure that you won’t be charged again by asking the rep
  5. Request proof of your transaction in the form of an email or confirmation number
  6. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.


Follow these steps:

  1. Using your device, go to this website:
  2. Login using Email and Password
  3. Click on “My Account”
  4. Select “Account Information”
  5. By scrolling down, find “Delivery Details”
  6. Click on “Pause Your Account”
  7. Put your information into the page where it’s requested of you
  8. Click on “Pause Account”
  9. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.


Follow these steps:

  1. Your email needs to go to [email protected]
  2. Create an email requesting cancellation, for a confirmation number and final billing details

Web Chat

Follow these steps:

  1. Using your device, go to this website:
  2. Click on chat icon in the lower right corner of screen
  3. Click on help with my account
  4. Click on cancel my subscription
  5. Click on contact support about your order
  6. Put your information into the page where it’s requested of you
  7. Let the rep know that you’re calling to cancel
  8. Request proof of your transaction in the form of an email or confirmation number
  9. Make sure that you won’t be charged again by asking the rep
  10. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.


Address 1433 W Van Buren St
Address 2Suite 750N
Zip/Postal Code60607
CountryUnited States
Contact Information
Phone 1872-225-2433
Email 1[email protected]
Email 2[email protected]
Email 3[email protected]
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Known Home Chef charges

  • CHECKCARD HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • CHKCARD HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • CHKCARDHOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • Misc. Debit HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • PENDING HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • POS Debit HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • POS PURCHASE HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • POS PURCH HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • POS PUR HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • POS REFUND HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • PRE-AUTH HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL
  • Visa Check Card HOME CHEF 872-225-2433 IL MC