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How to Delete Old Tweets?

The social media phenomenon has kept on gaining strength as time goes by, people love sharing photographs, their favorite places, opinions and ideas with family and friends through sites such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter of course.

With millions of users around the world Twitter is the easiest way to express yourself, share your opinions, your favorite content, pictures, and even videos onilne, but as Heraclitus said “Change is the only constant in life”, a line which is not only deep but REAL, that’s why sometimes you don’t feel or think the same way about a certain topic or idea, people change their mind every two minutes, so why should you be the exception?

For example, I’ve met a lot of people who want to learn how to delete their old tweets because they changed their mind or perspective on a certain topic, that’s why I’ve decided to create this page. In this page you will learn how to delete old tweets, so if you ever wanted to know how this could be done just keep on reading and we’ll show you how.

Remember that you can only delete Tweets that you< have tweeted, there’s no way to delete Tweets made by other users on your timeline. Delete Old Tweets – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to and login to your account.

2. Locate the Tweet you want to erase from your profile page (Timeline).

3. Hover over the message and click Delete

4. Done!

Twitter does not provide a way to bulk-delete Tweets so the only way to delete multiple messages is manually one by one.

If there is a massive amount of Tweets you need to delete, the best option to use a specialized software such as Tweet delete, tweetwipe or any other similar service.


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